Christian Living Books, Inc., established in 2001, presents a great alternative to authors anxious to have their works published but unwilling or unable to wait for the often hard-to-come-by, traditional publishing arrangement. Many authors who come to Christian Living Books need their books in lightning fast time. They are hosting a conference, making a television appearance or scheduled for a speaking engagement. They therefore need the quick turnaround we provide.

We also have authors whose message is so relevant for today that they simply must get it out. It is a burning desire within them and they feel labour pains as they await the delivery. Other authors find it easier to get a traditional publishing deal once their book has been published and has achieved a measure of success. These authors realize that it is often difficult to get a “book deal” without a track record to present to publishers. Publishers do take risks in traditional arrangements and are therefore conservative in their acquisitions. Also, there are authors who are anxious to see their book in print. They have shopped around for a publisher to no avail. Weary of waiting, these authors find in Christian Living Books all the services they need to bring their dreams to fruition.

In addition to traditional publishing, Christian Living Books, Inc. is pleased to offer print on demand packages to our authors. In this way, we can tailor our production services to fit any budget. As the book industry has embraced new technology, we continue to upgrade our services and procedures. One example of this is the addition of eBook publishing to our list of services.

How are we distinguished?
With a little patience, prayer, and persistence, it is not impossible to secure a royalty-based publishing deal. For those wishing to pursue a traditional publishing arrangement, Pneuma Life Publishing or another traditional publisher would be a better choice. Authors have the chance to consult with Christian Living Books’ staff members who have a wealth of experience and knowledge, gleaned from years of service in the publishing industry. Each author is assigned a publishing specialist who is available to answer questions and concerns and to provide expert advice and guidance. Christian Living Books is one of the production arms of Pneuma Life Publishing. We are not a Subsidy Publisher or a Vanity Press. Once the book has been produced, the author has full control over where the books are shipped. Our fees are for our services—professional, innovative, creative, focused, and quick.

The book industry has moved into the digital age. In addition to traditional printing, Christian Living Books is pleased to offer digital production to our authors. We have added eBook and audiobook publishing to our list of services. Also added is Print-On-Demand (POD). Using POD, we will upload your book to digital storage so that it can be printed one book at a time—for printing now, or in the future. Digital upload also allows for digital distribution. Keep your title up to date, always available and always “in print”.

Kimberly Stewart, Vice President of Pneuma Life Publishing, is the president of Christian Living Books. Pneuma Life Publishing is committed to its current authors, product line, and in-progress works but receives hundreds of unsolicited manuscripts. Hence, the need was present and Christian Living is the answer for many prospective authors.