We encourage you to pursue the vision God has given you to write. By perusing this site, you have taken the first step toward bringing your vision to fruition. We have the skill, the experience and the anointing to pull the very best manuscript from you and to perfect it. Here is just a sampling of the services we provide for our authors.

Back Cover Book Description
The back cover copy is the second most important design aspect. It has to be engaging, provocative and interesting. A book is usually given a few seconds to “make a sale”. Your cover and cover copy should make the browser want to buy your book. It takes skill to condense tens of thousands of words into a few paragraphs. Excellence in copy writing is a function of what we choose to say as much as it is how we choose to say it. We have honed these skills and are eager to put them to work for you. Our editorial and marketing team will make sure that the cover copy conveys the essence of your work and inspires further

Book Cover Design–Full Color, Customized
Book cover design is the first representation of your work and a sure indication of whether or not your book was professionally published. Since the cover is your book’s salesperson, it must be captivating. We put our marketing savvy and creativity to work in its design. We will create an original cover that captures the attention of your target audience. Your cover will be professionally crafted and unique to you and your title. We will listen to your ideas and goals, or come up with an original concept. Then, we will present you with a cover which will effectively convey your message, grab the attention of browsers and stand out among thousands of books. You will be proud to say, “This is my book!”

Book Interior Design/Typesetting
We go beyond just simple layout of text in an organized format–also known as typesetting. Interior design of book pages and typesetting is an art and a science. Each book we typeset is unique. We lay out your manuscript pages to suit the content of your book as well as your book cover. We ensure that the flow between book cover and interior page is harmonious. However, we go the extra mile. We add just the right elements to make your book more attractive than its competitors. It’s these small touches that set us apart from other publishers.

Conversion Of Printed Book To E-Book Or POD
We can convert your printed book into a digital file to be used a number of ways. For one, digital conversion allows us to upload your book to digital storage so that it can be printed one book at a time–for printing now, or in the future – also known as Print of Demand (POD). Digital conversion keeps your title up to date and accessible. Digital conversion is required to format an eBook. Our eBooks are produced in all the appropriate formats which will provide the potential for worldwide distribution. Digital upload also allows for digital distribution. Have your title available for 70,000 booksellers. Make your title available to millions of readers who don’t read printed books.

Copy Editing
Authors are often too close to the subject to objectively edit their own work. After looking at the same text over and over, it’s easy to overlook mistakes. Our professional editors polish your work until it shines. We refine your ideas while ensuring that the work is still in your voice—just corrected. Our editors work long hours restructuring sentences, fixing verb tense, and finding that perfect word to replace the one that’s just slightly misused. As a publisher of excellence, we will make sure that nothing stops the smooth flow of ideas from you to your reader. Whether it is mistakes in grammar or syntax, spelling, sentence structure, holes in logic, or overall organization, we will perfect the manuscript you worked so hard on. Christian Living Books will deliver a product that you can be proud of–one that represents the Kingdom, you, and this company well.

Copyright Registration
Copyright registration is a legal formality to make a public record of your copyright claim. You may copyright your manuscript before submission. We can also prepare and submit a copyright submission and deposit for you. Your book will be copyrighted in your name and the copyright certificate will be mailed directly to you. Copyright registration is an optional but highly recommended service.

Distribution And Fulfillment
Getting a book published is the first step, getting your book into the hands of readers is the next step. That is the greatest challenge an author faces. Christian Living Books offers full-service distribution of our own titles. We have expanded our services to allow for a wider variety and number of distribution channels. Anyone can get a book published. However, it takes experience, expertise, contacts and immediate acceptance into major channels to put your book in position to be purchased by readers. As a rule, we do not distribute books we did not publish. If you would like us to consider republishing your book under our imprint, please contact us for further instructions.

EAN Barcode
An EAN Bookland barcode is a graphical representation of your book’s ISBN number and price. It is included on the back of your book to allow automated scanning and point-of-sale transactions. Most book retailers require books to display the Bookland EAN bar code, which is the only barcode that encodes the ISBN as well as the book’s retail price.

E-Books are on the forefront of new digital technology. Our eBook Format and Distribution service provides digital reformatting of your book’s content for leading digital devices on the market. We are paying close attention to the latest trends in digital readers so you are able to give your readers even more options for downloading your book. The most popular eBook reader, Amazon’s Kindle, is not just Oprah’s favorite thing. According to, “Kindle is our #1 bestselling item for two years running. It’s also the most-wished-for, most-gifted, and has the most 5-star reviews of any product on Amazon.” Don’t miss the boat! Put your book in front of millions of book lovers by making it available to download to Kindles, iPads, Kobos, Android Devices, Nook, Sony, and other e-Readers throughout the world! Click here to learn more about our eBook services.

Email Marketing/E-Blasts
Email marketing remains an effective and economical way for authors to reach a targeted group of potential readers and retailers. Our email campaigns reach 140,000 genre-specific readers and buyers to help promote everything from your title to your next conference. We blast to subscribers who have opted in to receive email communications on subjects of interest to them. Email marketing also encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the message’s exposure and influence. This is known as viral marketing. A distinct advantage is that an exact return on investment can be tracked and has proven to be high when done properly. Email marketing is often reported as second only to search marketing as the most effective online marketing tactic. Lastly, over half of internet users check or send email on a typical day.

Filing In Advance Book Information
Advance Book Information” is a monthly catalog which is mailed to booksellers and libraries around the world. Titles are eligible to be included in “Advance” only once, when they are first released. We will submit your title for listing in this important resource. The listing will include a short paragraph describing the title, the retail price and a black & white cover image.

We can design and print a variety of formats including hardcover books with or without dust jackets, paperbacks and saddle stitched books such as workbooks and coloring books. We also print several trim sizes though 6″x9″ remains the most popular trim size. Most books print with black text inside but we’ve taken advantage of the beautiful high definition color photos available today by producing increasingly more books printed with color ink inside. Certain genres and audiences require upgraded features such as children’s books which are usually printed as full color hardcover books. Consult your Publishing Specialist and explore the variety of options available to you.

You can be the author of a title, but not the writer. Many bestselling books were not written by the authors. Many authors are busy about the things they are called to and don’t have the proper amount of time to write a complete book. However, they have much to share with the Body. If you don’t have the time or inclination to write, but you do have material on tape, in files, in a dissertation, article or other form, we can provide a ghostwriter who will actually write the book but not receive editorial credit. The ghostwriter will remain in consultation with you to ensure that you are thoroughly pleased with your project.

We have amazing illustrators who work in a variety of mediums including watercolor, colored pencil and the new digital 3D. We’ve published books with full-color interior or black and white interiors. Our professional illustrators will provide work-for-hire illustrations and you never have to pay royalties on the work. Ask us for a sample of our illustrations. We are confident that we can provide the perfect illustrations for your book.

ISBN Assignment
An International Standard Book Number is an essential piece of identification for your title in the book market. This 13-digit number is unique to your book and allows distributors, retailers, printers and readers to accurately find and order your title. The purpose of the ISBN is to establish and identify one title or one unique edition of a title from one specific publisher. An ISBN allows for more efficient marketing and cataloging of products by booksellers, libraries, universities, wholesalers, and distributors. An ISBN aids in the discoverability and merchandizing of your book as it is sold through retailers. Most retailers require an ISBN to carry your book.

Library Of Congress PCN
PCN stands for Preassigned Control Number Program. A Library of Congress catalog control number is a unique identification number that the Library of Congress assigns to the catalog record created for each book in its cataloged collections. Librarians use it to locate a specific Library of Congress catalog record in the national databases and to order catalog cards from the Library of Congress or from commercial suppliers. The Library of Congress assigns this number while the book is being cataloged. A PCN control number can only be assigned before the book is published.

Listing In Books In Print
Books in Print is the world’s most comprehensive database of books published in the U.S. and abroad. It is licensed to thousands of retailers (chain and independent bookstores) including Barnes & Noble, thousands of libraries, the top three search engines, and many mobile clients. This reference tool contains over 20 million global titles (in print, out of print, and forthcoming), including books, eBooks, audio books, and multimedia. Books are indexed by Title, Author, Publisher, Wholesaler and Distributor for quick reference. We will get your title listed in Books in Print.

Photo And Artwork Preparation
If an illustration will enhance your text, include it in the book. If you are a gifted artist, showcase some of your work. If you are telling a story, augment the text with a memorable image. If you writing about your family, insert a treasured photo. Tasteful artwork can make your book more attractive, useful, and meaningful. Our designers will guide you on what to submit and how to submit it for the best representation. We will rescreen or reshoot your artwork so that it prints correctly.

Price Recommendation
There is an art to book pricing. If your book price is too low, it will not be credible. If your book price is too high, it will price out of the market. The retail price will affect the sales potential of your book. However, you want a return on your investment of time, energy and resources. We will consider all factors in recommending a suitable price.

Print On Demand (POD)
In additional to traditional printing, we are pleased to offer Print On Demand (POD). When direct customers or retailers place an order for your book, it is automatically printed via POD in a small run or even a single copy. Your book is packaged and mailed directly to the buyer. By combining POD technology with traditional publishing services, we can make sure that anyone who wants to order your book has an opportunity, including Barnes & Noble, Expresso Book Machine, and You can have one, ten, or a hundred books printed, without the additional costs and risk of maintaining a large inventory on hand. Because each book is digitally stored in a database, a book published on demand will never go out of print. Click here to learn more about our Print on Demand Program.

Project Consultation
To ensure that your book reaches and sells to the audience you intend to serve, we offer proven strategies to make your book competitive in the current market. Mandated to produce works that hold their own in an extremely competitive marketplace, our Publisher has produced books by such noted authors as Bishop T. D. Jakes, Pastor Donnie McClurkin, Dr. Myles Munroe, and Dr. Juanita Bynum in her portfolio. Our consultation will put the knowledge and expertise we have gained in the industry to work for you. We will develop a strategy so that your work appeals to your target audience. The particular editor assigned to your project will have insight and experience in the genre in which you seek to publish. Our experts will review your manuscript and provide an assessment of the kind of editorial work your book may need to make it an excellent work.

Project Design For Target Audience
To ensure your book reaches and sells to the audience you intend to serve, we offer proven strategies to make your book competitive in the current market. Again, our books hold their own in an extremely competitive marketplace. Our consultation will put the knowledge and expertise we have gained in the industry to work for you. We will develop a strategy so that your work appeals to your target audience. We will make sure the all the facets of your book appeal to your target audience and are consistent with your genre.

Video Email Distribution
Harness the power of video and audio technologies and use it to benefit your book sales. Our video emails are essentially commercials sent directly to the inbox of thousands of individuals. With the click of a button, thousands are instantly exposed to your video email. Let our Video Email Distribution feature work for your book. Our goal is to simplify the whole email process so you can focus on the message and the results of your video email campaign. We have the technology to reach customers with video anywhere, any time on computer, iPads, iPhones and Smartphones. Don’t miss out on this innovative tool.